Consumer videos with subtitles in different languages (downloads)

Inhalte in Deutsch
What do I have to look for when using a bank account? What are the hidden costs of a mobile phone contract? What do I do if I receive a reminder? What's important when moving into a new flat?

These and other questions are answered by Hadnet Tesfai and Firas Alshater on behalf of the Federation of German Consumer Organisations (vzbv), so that refugees can cope better and to protect them against traps in the everyday life of a consumer.

Here you can find the Consumervideos for refugees with the appropriate subtitles for download (the videos themselves can be seen here).

The videos can be used under the terms of the Creative Commons License: credit – no editing (CC-BY-ND)

The details of this license can be found here:

Download the video: Personal liability insurance

Download the video: General Credit Protection Agency and collection

Internationale Jugendliche sitzen zusammen

Information for refugees and refugee workers

To the main page with our offers for people and institutions, who support asylum seekers in Germany.

Musterfeststellungsklage gegen Saalesparkasse

Die in Halle/Saale ansässige Saalesparkasse hat Prämiensparern nach Ansicht des vzbv jahrelang zu geringe Zinsen gezahlt. Dabei geht es häufig um Tausende von Euro. Der vzbv hat die Saalesparkasse verklagt, um den Sparern zu ihrem Recht zu verhelfen.

Inzwischen hat der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) das abschließende Urteil gesprochen. Betroffene können sich auf erhebliche Nachzahlungen freuen.
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